CP/M 3 RSX calls

This is a partial listing of functions provided by various CP/M 3 RSXs. The general format of a call is:

	LD	C,3Ch
RSXPPB:	DEFB	subfun		;subfunction
	DEFB	nppars		;number of parameters
	DEFW	param1		;16-bit parameters
	DEFW	param2

Subfunctions 0-7Fh can be used by user programs; Subfunctions 80h-0FFh are reserved for CP/M. If an RSX call is made and the RSX is not present, the BDOS returns BA=HL=00FFh.

Function 3C/00 - Initialise LIOS [LIOS.RSX]

Entered with subfun=0. No parameter checking.

This is used by Digital Research Logo to initialise the RSX containing device-dependent code.

Function 3C/01 - Terminate RSX [ANSIRSX.RSX]

ANSIRSX provides ANSI terminal emulation on Amstrad PCW computers.

Entered with subfun=1, nppars=1, param1=address of copy of RSX name ( DEFB 'ANSIRSX' )

Terminates the currently running RSX.

See also function 3C/7F, function 3C/7E.

Function 3C/04 - Return BYE active status [BYE5.RSX]

Entered with subfun=4. No parameter checking.

Returns 0 if BYE is active, 0FFh otherwise.

Function 3C/07 - Return BYE control block address [BYE5.RSX]

Entered with subfun=7. No parameter checking.

Returns HL=address of MXUSR byte in BYE.

MXUSR:	DB	MAXUSR		; Runtime maximum user area available
MXDRV:	DB	MAXDRV		; Runtime maximum drive available
TOVAL:	DB	TOVALUE		; Number of mins. to wait before timeout
NULLS:	DB	0		; Number of nulls after 
ULCSW:	DB	0		; Upper case only switch (32=upper case)
LFEEDS:	DB	0		; Line feed mask (0=don't mask)
WRTLOC:	DB	0		; Location RBBS pokes so BYE won't hang
HARDON:	DB	0FFH		; If 0, hardlog is deactivated
MDMOFF:	DB	0		; If 0FFH, do not output to modem
COVECT:	DW	0		; Console output vector for XMODEM
	DB	'BYE'		; Tells XMODEM that BYE is being used
BELLON:	DB	0FFH		; If 0FFH ok to send bell (Chat) to con-
				; sole, 00H=belloff.  This only affects
				; Your initial default choice
LCPTR:	JMP	LCDATA		; First byte is user access restrictions
				; and flags while user is logged on,
				; used for his total time-on after
				; logoff.  LCDATA is address of buffer
				; For NO25TH data, NO25BF in length
MXTIME:	JMP	RTCBUF		; First byte holds maximum time allowed
				; Next 2 bytes point to the real time
				; clock buffer
BEEPFL:	DB	0		; Flag to enable/disable inactivity beep
				; so we don't affect Zmodem transfers
				; 0 = beeps enabled, 0FFH = beeps off

Function 3C/0B - Delete RSXs below BYE [BYE5.RSX]

Entered with subfun=0Bh. No parameter checking.

Deletes any RSXs loaded below BYE.RSX.

Function 3C/37 - Initialise [HISTRSX.RSX]

Entered with subfun=37h. No parameter checking.

HISTRSX.RSX is a command history RSX for CP/M 3. This function initialises it, or deletes it if it is already initialised. Returns A=0 if the call was obeyed.

Function 3C/38 - Clear command history [HISTRSX.RSX]

Entered with subfun=38h. No parameter checking.

This function empties the HISTRSX history buffer. It returns A=0 for success.

Function 3C/41 - Print directory name [LBR.RSX]

Entered with subfun=41h. No parameter checking.

This is used by the LBRDISK program. When it is called, if a library is mounted as a directory, its name is printed preceded by a backslash; for example:

    12:42 B3:UTILS\LIBRARY>
under a typical Z-system command processor.

Function 3C/42 - Return address of named directory RSX [DIR.RSX]

Entered with subfun=42h. No parameter checking.

Used by CCP+ named directory system. Returns the address in HL.

Function 3C/65 - Initialise BYE [BYE5.RSX]

Entered with RSXPB:

RSXPB:	DB	65h	;Subfunction
	DB	2	;2 parameters
BYE$:	DB	'BYE     '
ARG:	DB	0,0
Initialises the BYE RSX. On return, if ARG+1 is nonzero then there is an error (it must be set to 0 on entry).

Function 3C/66 - Terminate BYE [BYE5.RSX]

Entered with RSXPB:

RSXPB:  DB      66h     ;Subfunction
        DB      2       ;2 parameters
        DW      BYE$    
        DW      ARG
BYE$:   DB      'BYE     '
ARG:    DB      0,0
Terminates the BYE RSX, thus logging the current caller out.

Function 3C/70 - Redefine character [UDG.RSX]

Entered with RSXPB as below.

The UDG.RSX functions are intended to provide a moderately portable user-defined graphic system. They come in two sets; 3C/70 and 3C/72 are designed to be identical on all systems, while 3C/71,3C/73,3C/74 and 3C/75 are for use in the construction of UDG editors and similar programs on particular computers. The RSXPB is formed:

RSXPB:	DEFB	70h,2	;2 parameters
	DEFW	UDG$	;Parameter 1 points to RSX name
	DEFW	DBLOCK	;Parameter 2 points to data block

UDG$:	DEFB	'UDG     '
DBLOCK:	DEFB	ascii	;Character number, 0-255
	DEFB	bitmap	;8 bytes; most significant bit corresponds to the
			;left of the character; first byte to the top.
If the computer on which UDG.RSX is running does not have 8x8 characters, the bitmap should be scaled to fit. This function returns A=0 for success.

Function 3C/71 - Get character bitmap [UDG.RSX]

Entered with RSXPB:

RSXPB:	DEFB	71h,2	;2 parameters
        DEFW    UDG$    ;Parameter 1 points to RSX name
        DEFW    DBLOCK  ;Parameter 2 points to data block

UDG$:   DEFB    'UDG     '
DBLOCK: DEFB    ascii   ;Character number, 0-255
        DEFS    ?	;As much space as is necessary

This function should return the bitmap for a character in its native form. The size of the character is implementation-dependent; no scaling should be done. This function returns A=0 for success.

In the Amstrad CP/M implementation, the bitmap is 8 bytes.

Function 3C/72 - Display bitmap [UDG.RSX]

Entered with RSXPB:

RSXPB:	DEFB    72h,2	;2 parameters
        DEFW    UDG$    ;Parameter 1 points to RSX name
        DEFW    DBLOCK  ;Parameter 2 points to data block

UDG$:   DEFB    'UDG     '
DBLOCK: DEFS    8	;Bitmap to display

This function should display an 8-byte bitmap (as in function 3C/70) without comitting it to the character set. This can be done by direct screen access or by redefinition of characters 'on-the-fly'. If the screen does not have 8x8 characters, scaling should be used. This function returns A=0 for success.

Function 3C/73 - Redefine literal [UDG.RSX]

Entered with RSXPB:

RSXPB:	DEFB    73h,2	;2 parameters
        DEFW    UDG$    ;Parameter 1 points to RSX name
        DEFW    DBLOCK  ;Parameter 2 points to data block

UDG$:   DEFB    'UDG     '
DBLOCK: DEFB	ascii	;Character to redefine
	DEFS    ?       ;New bitmap
This function is the exact converse of 3C/71. It redefines a character, with the bitmap being supplied in the native format. This function returns A=0 for success.

In the Amstrad CP/M implementation, the native format is 8 bytes long.

Function 3C/74 - Display literal bitmap [UDG.RSX]

Entered with RSXPB:

RSXPB:  DEFB    74h,2   ;2 parameters
        DEFW    UDG$    ;Parameter 1 points to RSX name
        DEFW    DBLOCK  ;Parameter 2 points to data block

UDG$:   DEFB    'UDG     '
DBLOCK: DEFS    ?	 ;Bitmap to display

This function should display a version-dependent bitmap without comitting it to the character set. This can be done by direct screen access or by redefinition of characters 'on-the-fly'. This call returns A=0 for success.

In the Amstrad CP/M implementation, the native format is 8 bytes long.

Function 3C/75 - Select font [UDG.RSX]

Entered with RSXPB:

RSXPB:  DEFB    75h,2   ;2 parameters
        DEFW    UDG$    ;Parameter 1 points to RSX name
        DEFW    fontid  ;Parameter 2 = font number

UDG$:   DEFB    'UDG     '

On computers with multiple fonts, this is used to choose which font should be affected by the other operations. Font 0 should be the font used by a 24x80 screen. This function returns A=0 for success, or 0FEh if the number is out of range. Functions 3C/70 and 3C/72 should only be used when Font 0 is selected.

In the Amstrad implementation, the CPC and PCW only allow Font 0. On the Spectrum +3, Font 0 is the 5-bit wide character set and Font 1 is the 8-bit wide character set. Functions 3C/70 and 3C/72 scale their input bitmaps to 5x8, while the other functions do not scale.

Function 3C/76 - Return RSX status

Entered with subfun=76h, nppars=1, param1=pointer to RSX name. Returns HL=status. In the case of PIPEMGR.RSX, this call returns a bitmapped value in H:

Bit 0: stdin  is redirected
Bit 1: stdout is redirected
Bit 2: stderr is redirected
Bit 3: redirected input is coming from a pipe
Bit 4: redirected output is going to a pipe

Function 3C/79 - Initialise the RSX

Entered with subfun=79h, nppars=1, param1=pointer to RSX name. Returns HL=0 if successful, other values if error. In the case of PIPEMGR.RSX, this call scans the command line at 0080h for redirection operations.

Function 3C/7A - output byte to standard error [PIPEMGR.RSX]

Entered with subfun=7Ah, nppars=1, param1=byte

PIPEMGR.RSX is an extension allowing piping and redirection of I/O from CP/M 3 programs.

Function 3C/7B - installation check for an RSX

Entered with subfun=7Bh, nppars=1, param1=address of RSX name. Returns HL=BCD RSX version (0100h => 1.0) or 00FFh if the RSX is not present.

Function 3C/7C - Read byte from standard input [PIPEMGR.RSX]

Entered with subfun=7Ch. No parameter checking. Returns byte in A, EOF code in H.

PIPEMGR.RSX is an extension allowing piping and redirection of I/O from CP/M 3 programs. The EOF code in H is 0 for end of file, or 1 if the byte in A is valid.

Function 3C/7D - output byte to standard output [PIPEMGR.RSX]

Entered with subfun=7Dh, nppars=1, param1=byte

PIPEMGR.RSX is an extension allowing piping and redirection of I/O from CP/M 3 programs.

Function 3C/7E - Terminate lowest copy of RSX [various]

Entered with subfun=7Eh, nppars=1, param1=address of a copy of the RSX name.

This function and the next one are used by some of my programs when loading long-term RSXs. They avoid RSX duplication using the following system:

See also function 3C/01, function 3C/7F.

Function 3C/7F - Terminate all copies of RSX [various]

Entered with subfun=7Fh, nppars=1, param1=address of a copy of the RSX name.

See also function 3C/01, function 3C/7E.

Function 3C/7F - Set mode for PEEK RSX [PEEKBDOS.RSX]

Entered with subfun=7Fh, nppars=2, param1=address of a copy of the RSX name, param2=mode.

PEEKBDOS.RSX monitors BDOS calls and prints a listing of calls and their parameters to the screen, printer or auxiliary device. The actual RSX ignores the subfun value; its companion COM file sends the value 7Fh.

Function 3C/80 - Return pointer to BIOS traps [GET.RSX]

Entered with subfun=80h. Returns address in HL. No parameter checking.

Function 3C/81 - Immediately stop a SUBMIT [GET.RSX]

Entered with subfun=81h. No parameter checking.

Function 3C/82 - Return pointer to input file FCB [GET.RSX]

Entered with subfun=82h. Returns address in HL. No parameter checking.

The FCB is for the file containing input data; with SUBMIT, this will be the SYSIN??.$$$ file. The file may be terminated with a 0FFh byte.

FCB-4:   Echo flag, 0=off, 1=on
FCB-3:   Display control characters 0=Y 1=N
FCB-2:   Used by GET ([SYSTEM]?).
FCB-1:   User number of input file.
FCB+0:   FCB for input file (no random access permitted)
FCB+21h: Record pointer, 0-80h (position within current record).
FCB+22h: Last character processed.
FCB+23h: Program input flag.
FCB+24h: 128-byte current record.

Function 3C/A0 - Immediately stop a SAVE [SAVE.RSX]

Entered with subfun=0A0h. No parameter checking.

Any resident SAVE RSX will be deactivated.

Non-standard RSX calls

Some RSXs do not use call 3Ch. Instead, they subvert an unused BDOS function number. Here are those I know of:

BDOS function 73 - Redefine character [REDEFINE.RSX]

Entered with C=49h, DE=parameter address.

The parameter is formed:

	DEFB	character_number
	DEFB	bitmap		;8 bytes

This is used in a PCW-specific program, REDEFINE.RSX. The calls from UDG.RSX should be used in preference to this call.

BDOS function 90 - Control GETERL extension [GETERL.RSX]

Entered with C=5Ah, DE=parameter.

GETERL.RSX is an extension written by me to allow the program return code to be passed from one program to another (the conventional CP/M 3 CCP resets it to zero). The parameter is either:

Return the error code sent by the previous program using BDOS function 108 in HL.
Reminder messages at warm boot (GETERL active) are disabled.
Reminder messages at warm boot (GETERL active) are enabled.
Remove the GETERL extension.

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