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PSF Tools
The PSF Tools are an attempt to do something similar to NetPBM, for simple fixed-width bitmap fonts.
The current release can convert the following formats to PSF:
- Raw (DOS-style) font
- Windows font (FNT, FON)
- Sinclair Spectrum +3
- MDA character ROM dump
- DOS/Linux codepages (CP, CPI)
- Hercules WriteOn (WOF)
- Wyse-60 soft font
- BBC Micro soft font
- Amstrad CP/M self-loading .COM and .EMS files
- Plain text
- Berkeley vfont and my proposed vfont2.
and PSF to the following formats:
- Raw font
- Windows font (FNT, FON)
- Hercules WriteOn (WOF)
- DOS codepages (CPI)
- Sinclair Spectrum +3
- C include file
- BSD 'wsfont' kernel header
- XBM image containing all characters
- Single PBM image for each character
- Plain text
- Wyse-60 soft font
- BBC Micro soft font
- Amstrad CP/M self-loading .COM and .EMS files
- LocoScript 2/3/4 screen character file (SCRCHAR.JOY)
- Berkeley vfont and my proposed vfont2.
New in this release (1.1.x):
- [1.1.1] Support for conversion to and from vfont / vfont2.
- [1.1.10] Support added for (internal and external) code page mappings with more than 256 characters. The format of the .CP2 files used to hold these mappings has been changed accordingly.
- [1.1.10] Codepage names are now matched case-insensitively.
- [1.1.10] New codepages: LS3 (LocoScript 3), QX10 (Epson QX-10) and PRINTIT (MML Systems Printit, a subset of QX10)
- [1.1.0] raw2psf: Bugfix: --codepage was not setting the Unicode mapping on the last character in the font.
- [1.1.0] ams2psf, psf2ams: Now support SCRCHAR.JOY, the LocoScript screen font file
- [1.1.0] psf2ams: If passed an 8x16 font, the self-loading COM file now loads it at full height on the PCW16 (and scales it down on other computers).
- [1.1.0] psf2ams: A short .PSF font converted to a .COM file will now only redefine those characters defined by the .PSF font.
- [1.1.0] psf2xbm: Added an --across option allowing the width of the output bitmap to be changed (height is adjusted to match).
Development Release
psftools-1.1.1.tar.gz (805k): Source code for Unix-based systems.
psftools-1.1.1.zip (1450k): Compiled programs for Windows x86.
psft1_10.zip (792k): Compiled programs for DOS.
Stable Release
psftools-1.0.14.tar.gz (759k): Source code for Unix-based systems.
psftools-1.0.14.zip (1061k): Compiled programs for Windows x86.
psft114.zip (604k): Compiled programs for DOS.
Other PSF utilities
- GRABFONT extracts the current font from an EGA or higher graphics card;
- while RIPFONT allows patient people with good eyesight to do the same with a CGA or Hercules card.
- My GEM programs include SYSFONT, a font editor for GEM which supports loading and saving PSF1 fonts.
For CP/M
- I've written a PSF loader for Amstrad CP/M (LDPSFSEA.COM, about two-thirds of the way down the page). Source is included so it may be possible to adapt it for other CP/M systems.
- You should have the kbd package (which allows PSF files to be loaded) installed on your Linux system already; but in case you don't, it's here.
- The PSF file format
- gbdfed is an editor for BDF (X-Window) fonts. It can import PSFs.
- vfont2 Proposal — an idea to extend the Berkeley vfont format so it's capable of round-trip conversion to/from PSF2.
- Font Redefinition and PSF files under Amstrad CP/M
John Elliott 2021-01-12